The story behind my flag project

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Military service runs deep in my family.

My father and one grandfather served in the United States Army, and my brother and other grandfather were in the Navy.

I joined the United States Air Force in 1994, serving first at Sheppard AFB in Wichita Falls, Texas, and then at Tinker AFB in Oklahoma City working on AWACS. I went on my first deployment to the Middle East, as a part of Operation Southern Watch in 1995. While in Saudi Arabia, I received a non-combat head injury, which eventually lead to an Honorable Medical Discharge in 2001.

My medical condition continued to deteriorate, and I suffer from seizures and migraines related to my injury. I also have had 4 heart attacks and was recently diagnosed with Restrictive Lung Disease (from volunteer work at the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building).

Due to my physical disabilities, I was unable to hold down full time employment, and I eventually fell into a deep depression. A Veteran friend got me interested in some local non-profit programs and I became involved with them. I found this time to bond with fellow Veterans over fishing, hunting and golf…..a true God send.

It was during this time that I discovered my love for woodworking, especially crafting wooden American flags. I have made 1190 flags to date, with over 800 flags donated to Vets. My goal is to create 100 - 150 every year from here on out.

When I’m not traveling the country, I live in the Guthrie, OK area with my service dog Andi. I have 2 amazing children and a grandson!!

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The flags

What began as therapy for me, has turned into a way to honor my fellow Veterans. People have submitted names of Veterans they would like to have a flag presented to. Each flag is funded directly by the person submitting the name, or by someone purchasing one for a Veteran on my list.

When you purchase a flag for a Veteran you don’t know, you’ll learn their story and why their name was submitted.

I have flags in several styles and sizes, and I make them in my garage.

I then travel across the country, presenting the flags in surprise visits to the Veteran and their family.


Support the project


  • Purchase a flag for a Veteran on our list. We have the names of hundreds of Veterans that we would like to see honored with a flag.

  • Purchase a flag to honor Veteran you know.

  • Donate any amount to the project. Even if you can’t afford a flag, contributions of any amount go towards the creation of a flag.


My Dream

Creating these flags for veterans is my therapy and a way to honor my fellow Vets.

I have recently moved to Guthrie, OK into a new house and larger workshop.

My dream is to be able to welcome veterans to learn woodworking, hang out, swap stories, and maybe enjoy a whiskey or cigar by the fire. Monthly workshops have begun, and we’ve hosted roughly 20 Veterans already!